8:15 – A True Story of Survival and Forgiveness from Hiroshima (Dr. Akiko Mikamo)


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Publication Date: 11/27/2019
B&W 6 x 9 in or 229 x 152 mm
Page Count: 212


On August 6th, 1945 s Shinji, a Japanese adolescent boy, helps his father below prepare their home for demolition from its roof top, he sees a blinding flash. An Earth-shattering blast with scorching heat sends him into complete darkness and total chaos. An atomic bomb has just exploded only three-quarters of a mile away from him, devastating all of Hiroshima in a blink.

Severely injured and burned, Shinji is rescued and pushed forward by his wounded father. It was only the beginning of his excruciating pain and hardships to come for decades. – A miraculous journey of resiliency, forgiveness, and empathy even for the destroyers.

One of Shinji’s three daughters, Dr. Akiko Mikamo, wrote his story to send out the messages of human love and power of forgiveness to remind the world our worst enemies of yesterday could become the best friends of tomorrow.

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Book Type

Paperback, Hardcover, eBook